Magazine Archive

  • President's Message
  • August 2017
Developing a Healthy Work-Life Balance

Are you happy? It sounds like a simple question, but it is a surprisingly difficult one for many people to answer.  We all have multi-faceted lives and being happy in one area of our lives may or may not correlate to being happy in another. Work is an area where many people find the concept...

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  • Inside
  • August 2017
No Excuses

August brings us to what is generally the Contra Costa Lawyer’s lowest readership of the year. Our readers, like much of America, are enjoying summer with kids, grandkids, travel and general vacation goodness. We have always used the August issue for more entertainment type topics rather than heavy legal issues. This August is no exception....

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  • Featured
  • August 2017
Wally Hesseltine, Contra Costa Ultra Runner

Wally’s recent running goal has been to set the record for the oldest male finisher for the oldest 100-mile race in the United States, the Western States Endurance Run.

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  • Featured
  • August 2017
Margaret Grover, Rowing, Cycling, Skiing

Before the associates arrive, before the phone starts ringing, before the sun has even peaked over the Oakland hills, the head of Wendel Rosen’s employment practice Margaret “Maggie” J. Grover is propelling a racing shell through the Oakland estuary. Sometimes, she and fellow members of the East Bay Rowing Club glide from the estuary between...

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  • Featured
  • August 2017
The Hon. Ed Weil, The Sky Diving Judge

“Judges and lawyers think it is weird that I skydive.  Skydivers think it is weird that I am a judge.”

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  • Featured
  • August 2017
Fly-Casting for Sanity and Excellence

It was not until four years ago, inspired by a precocious 13-year-old young lady who won the National American Casting Tournament in accuracy, that I got serious. I set goals, scheduled practices, balanced tackle and seriously entered competitions. I got good over the ensuing two years.

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