CCCBA Port Chicago Taskforce

The Port Chicago Taskforce is a coalition of attorneys and community members advocating for justice for 50 African American sailors who risked their lives standing up against racial discrimination and hazardous working conditions in the segregated Navy of 1944. On Wednesday July 17, 2024 the Navy EXONERATED the Port Chicago 50 and the 208 convicted in summary courts martial.

80th Anniversary Commemoration Event

Three days before the 80th Anniversary Commemoration event, July 20, 2024, the Secretary of the Navy, Carlos Del Toro, granted EXONERATION to all 258 of the sailors involved. "The exoneration of the African American sailors," he said, "clears their names, restores their honor and acknowledges the courage they displayed in the face of immense danger."

Taskforce Committee

These are the leaders from the Contra Costa County Bar Association who have taken on this challenge to exonerate the Port Chicago 50.


On the evening of July 17, 1944, residents in the San Francisco east bay area were jolted awake by a massive explosion that cracked windows and lit up the night sky.

Stories of the Port Chicago 50

Read stories of the 50 men who were charged with mutiny and others who remember that fateful night.

Take Action

Please add your voice to the growing numbers of those who seek exoneration for the fifty sailors wrongly convicted of mutiny by the Navy.

In the News

Read the latest on nationwide efforts to exonerate the Port Chicago 50.


Read more about the event through the eyes of the world.

Resources to Exonerate the Port Chicago 50