Magazine Archive
Inside: A Life of Many Hats
“I’m a working parent.” What a loaded phrase. Aren’t all parents “working” parents, despite the details of how they spend their days? A more accurate phrase would be, “I am a parent with multiple jobs.” Parenting itself encompasses numerous job descriptions: safety manager (gotta keep the kids alive!), activities director, emotional support person, mess cleaner...
Read ArticleAn Attorney Parent’s Guide to Surviving the Special Education Process
Like many parents, my first special education meeting did not go as planned. Despite knowing I am an attorney, school officials told me that they could not evaluate my daughter for special education eligibility until she was two grade levels behind. They also told me they don’t test for dyslexia, and one person even told...
Read ArticleNavigating Pregnancy, Parental Leave, and the Return to Work
Finding out you’re pregnant is perhaps, one of if not the most impactful piece of news a woman can receive. This is particularly so when you work full time – “what does this mean for my job during this pregnancy, once baby is here, and then coming back to work?” This article will provide a...
Read ArticleWelcome Summer - All Section Summer Mixer 2022
June 9 at Calicraft – The Taproom in Walnut Creek Thank you to our sponsors of this event! Casetext Industrious Office and Bay Area Family Law Center | The Law Office of Ariel Brownell | Candelaria P. C. | Law Offices of Joseph H. Wolch | Wapnick Family Law | Law Offices of...
Read ArticleBar Fund Benefit 2022
Read ArticleDual Judicial Induction Ceremonies
Congratulations to Judges Jennifer Lee and Kirk Athanasiou on their official inductions to the Contra Costa County Superior Court Bench on Friday, June 3.
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