Magazine Archive
Bar Fund Benefit 2021
Read ArticleBoard Nominations for 2022 Are Open Now
CCCBA attorney members in good standing are eligible to join the Board of Directors. The Board seeks candidates who agree to meet the following expectations: • To possess or acquire a basic understanding of the Contra Costa County Bar Association (CCCBA) and its activities. • To commit to the mission and values of the Association....
Read ArticlePro Bono Service Awards
Nominations are open now for the inaugural Justice James J. Marchiano Distinguished Service Award. This award will go to a CCCBA member who volunteers his or her time, either in a legal or non-legal capacity, to improve the circumstances of others and changes lives for the better in our community. To be considered for the...
Read ArticlePets for Wellness
Thank you to all of the CCCBA members who shared these adorable photos of their pets! ‘)
Read ArticleLawyers Taking Care of Ourselves
As attorneys, we are well trained to develop intellectual acuity and “wellness” through years of school and continuing education. However, there are many other facets of wellness that are equally important to lawyers. As attorneys, we are charged with the duty of taking care of our client’s legal issues. This responsibility, compounded by the demands...
Read ArticleFinding Wellness Along “The Way”
The competing demands of managing a legal practice, parenting teenagers, serving as a support to family members and undertaking volunteer work are often overwhelming and exhausting. While a great sense of satisfaction is derived from the time, effort and care devoted to family, community and professional endeavors, when not counter-balanced by acts of self-care, juggling...
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