It’s Simple, Quick, Effective and Free!*
*Only pay for optional premium services
1. Set up an account
No credit card needed, and you will be able to come back to resume if you don’t finish.
2. Answer simple questions
The answers will help you start organizing your facts and story.
3. Build your formal letter for free, send with tracking for $24.50
Compose a custom demand letter to get your money back, or a settlement letter to resolve your case out of court. Send it with one-click from your device.
4. Learn if court is right for you
Evaluate and decide whether Small Claims Court is the right option for you.
5. File and serve your case
Get completed court forms, filing instructions, and service of process instructions.
6. Complete your Trial Presentation for only $49.50
Put the right information in the right format so the judge can make the right decision for your case.
This link will redirect you to our partner JusticeDirect, a wholly separate and private organization. No warranty is offered by the referring bar association.