Magazine Archive
[Photos] Installation Lunch and Diversity Awards
On January 25, the CCCBA officially installed its 2019 Board of Directors and Section Leaders and presented the second annual Diversity Awards. The new Presiding Judge, Hon. Barry Baskin gave a State of the Judiciary speech and Hon. Barry Goode received a Lifetime Achievement Award. CCCBA’s second annual Diversity Awards were presented to 16 deserving...
Read ArticleThere are No Glass Ceilings when You Are the Architect
Women are at an increasing rate taking on the entrepreneurial risks and rewards of foundingtheir own law firms. In many cases, they have achieved partner status at established firms and are looking for something more. In a 2016 ABA research paper, solo firms now make up 49% of all law firms. According to the 2012...
Read ArticleLandmark Legislation for Women and Families Led by Women
The new year marked the beginning of several new laws that will help improve the economic security of women and families across the state. These measures made up a package of bills that were advanced by the Stronger California Advocates Network, a coalition of over 30 organizations dedicated to promoting policy reform around four basic...
Read ArticleShow Up, Make Your Voice Heard
“If you don’t have a seat at the table, you’re on the menu.” This is a quote Alameda County District Attorney Nancy O’Malley has used many times, and it is always inspirational. A big factor in equality is showing up and making your voice heard. In the past, women have not had the option to...
Read ArticleMoving from #metoo to #allofus: Stopping Sexual Harassment by Redefining Workplace Culture
From the top down, we must all take responsibility for our workplace cultures and, “If you see something, say something.
Read ArticleThe Eerie Silence of "#MeToo-in-the-law” The Gender Bias Impact
It takes immeasurable strength to make a complaint of harassment and discrimination in any setting, compounded by the legal setting itself.
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