Top 5 Wanted: Lawyer Referral & Information Service
Our Lawyer Referral & Information Service (LRIS) staff handles over 12,000 calls and online requests each year from members of the public who contact us with legal-related problems; over 5,500 of those calls result in client consultations with members of our LRIS each year.
Seeking Attorneys in All Areas Including:
- Spanish speaking attorneys for all areas of law.
- Housing law attorneys: evictions, tenant, landlord.
- West County attorneys: especially family law, housing.
- East County attorneys.
- Moderate Means attorneys:
• Family law
• Immigration law
• Elder law
• Housing (coming soon)
Reasons to Join the LRIS
- We do the marketing and pre-screening of clients for you.
- LRIS referrals turn into paying clients.
- LRIS is State Bar certified resulting in better clients who are looking for a reliable source
for attorneys. - The $100 LRIS membership fee will pay for itself after the first few referrals.
- LRIS staff schedules the appointments and contacts the clients to confirm.
- Moderate Means LRIS attorneys provide a great service to those clients who might not
be able to afford a private attorney. LRIS does not collect any percentage fees on Moderate
Means referrals.
Read the California Bar Journal’s article featuring CCCBA’s LRIS.