The Senior Lawyers Task Force
President James Wu, as one of his initiatives for the year, created the Senior Lawyers Task Force. The focus of the Task Force is to look at topics and issues affecting “experienced” lawyers and to support those lawyers in their practices and in their lives beyond practice. The Task Force is led by Board Member Renée Welze Livingston and includes Past Presidents, Peter Mankin, Dick Frankel and Mike Brown, and past Board Members Joscelyn Jones Torru and Richard Alexander.
The Task Force discovered that 35% of CCCBA members have been practicing more than 30 years, 11% more than 40 years, and 20 members over 50 years! These numbers may increase as the Baby Boomers continue to age.
In order to better serve these members, a Senior Lawyer Roundtable was held on May 14. The 30 attendees had a spirited discussion of the topics that were of most interest to them. The group summarized the four main topics of interest:
1. Transitioning Out of Practice and Succession Planning
2. Sense of Purpose/What to do Next?
3. Mentoring/Giving Back
4. Improving Society
Other topics discussed were: creating community, volunteering and pro bono, competency issues, non-legal learning, senior biases and discrimination, and financial retirement issues. The participants decided to set up meetings in the future to discuss various topics of interest, including the possible formation of a Senior Lawyer Section. Watch for announcements of future meetings and bring your questions and share your experiences.
The Task Force will also sponsor a seminar at the MCLE Spectacular on November 16, 2018. If you have suggestions for seminar topics or speakers, contact Theresa Hurley at the CCCBA, 925-370-2548.