Register Now for the MCLE Spectacular (2017)

Sign up NOW to get the best pricing for the CCCBA’s 23rd Annual MCLE Spectacular, on Friday, November 17, from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm at the Walnut Creek Marriott Hotel.
Attending is one of the best ways to earn up to 8 MCLE credits in one day, hear fantastic main session speakers and learn from the 13 unique breakout seminars.
Download the MCLE brochure here.
Download the fillable registration form here.
Breakfast Kickoff Cynthia McGuinn Rouda, Feder, Tietjen & McGuinn President-Elect, American Board of Trial Advocates “Ask Not What the Law Can Do for You…” |
|  | Luncheon Keynote Rep. Eric Swalwell U.S. Representative from California’s 15th Congressional District “Using Prosecutorial Skills in the Trump-Russia Investigation” |
|  | Afternoon Plenary Jeena Cho Author of “The Anxious Lawyer, An 8-week Guide to a Satisfying Law Practice through Mindfulness and Meditation” “Key to Competence: Be Mindful of Your Mental, Emotional and Physical Well Being” |