Comedy Night [photos]
This year as part of the Food from the Bar 2016 campaign, CCCBA members were treated to Comedy Night or Res Ipsa Jokuitor (The joke speaks for itself) on April 21 at Back Forty BBQ in Pleasant Hill. Comedians Will Durst and Larry “Bubbles” Brown entertained us all for a memorable evening in support of the Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano Counties.
Thank you to:
Benefactors: Robert G. McGrath American Inn of Court | Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
Patrons: Archer Norris | McNamara, Ney, Beatty, Slattery, Borges & Ambacher | Newmeyer & Dillion, LLP | The Recorder | U.S. Legal Support
Contributors: ADR Services, Inc. | Aiken Welch Court Reporters | Brown, Gee & Wenger | Buchman Provine Brothers Smith, LLP | Certified Reporting Services | Esquire | Ferber Law | First Legal Network| Gagen, McCoy, McMahon, Koss, Markowitz & Raines | Law Offices of Suzanne Boucher | Miller Starr Regalia | Quivx
| Vasquez Benisek & Lindgren, LLP